Vote Climate Neighbours Project Ray Peck Hawthorn

Vote Climate Neighbours – Hawthorn

Why I’m voting climate – Ray Peck

Effective climate action is simple. We have the technology for decarbonising our economy. What we need is political will.

What are your main concerns?

I have grandchildren and I am worried about life on Earth.

I love nature and climate impacts are accelerating, as we can see from the increasing frequency of severe fires and floods. The current rate of species extinction is more than 100 times higher than natural background extinction rates. We are pushing the earth systems past the state that is comfortable for humans to thrive.

The main issues I am concerned about are
  • the Victorian government’s decision to continue exploration for new gas in Victoria and allow seismic testing in our waters
  • the Victorian government’s refusal to end logging of native before 2030 despite the devastating 2019-2020 bushfires
  • the opposition’s desire to continue logging of native forests after 2030

It’s time to protect our forests.



Vote Climate Neighbours Ray Peck cycling
Vote Climate Neighbours Hawthorn Ray Peck with trees

Tell us some more about why you are voting for the climate?

How can I face my grandkids if I haven’t done everything I can?

Our family spends a lot of time in Victoria’s beautiful forests and it breaks my heart to know that human greed is making their survival more and more precarious. We need to work together so that our representatives hold our interests close, rather than being beholden to large polluting corporate donors.

When it comes to the upcoming Victorian state election, we urgently need action on climate!





What can we do to help?

Political action is more likely when politicians feel the communities concern. I have been involved in organising meetings, speakers, visiting MPs and of course working with many others in the letter writers group. We are holding up the perspective of concerned, educated people against the biased opinion pieces that pass for journalism with increasing frequency in a large proportion of our media.

Climate delay is not an option!

“Thanks to Lighter Footprints, I’ve gained hope by working with like-minded people. Many voices with a common message are more powerful than just one”

Read more about Ray Peck’s journey on our local climate action pages here.