Climate Spin - your vote matters, make sure it is based on the facts

We need to accelerate the transition to a clean energy future

And that means retiring coal and gas.

Australia has world beating renewables resources. We could move to clean energy now, transforming manufacturing and exports, creating tens of thousands of jobs.

Unfortunately our politicians are stuck on coal and gas. They are:

  • Claiming that we are doing more than our fair share, when we are repeatedly called out as climate laggards.
  • Setting up pathways to Net Zero by 2050 that involve retaining fossil fuels such as gas in the mix
  • Relying on unproven technologies like carbon capture (use) and storage (CCS or CCUS) which have failed dramatically overseas.

It’s time to cut through the spin, and base our votes on accurate information!

We need rapid climate action this decade 

Government's climate claims are misleading RMIT ABC Fact Check

We deserve to know the truth

The government claims that we are reducing our emissions faster than comparable Western economies like Canada, NZ, Japan and and US. A recent RMIT ABC Fact Check found this claim to be “misleading”, relying on comparing apples with pears – Australia allows itself to use land clearing (unlike practically every other country) and has cherry picked an advantageous 2005 start date.

If land clearing is not included, then Australia’s emissions have risen by 7% (p. 9).

More about comparing apples with pears

Australia put forward no new concrete emissions reduction plans at Glasgow, instead platforming a fossil fuel company, Santos, and refused to join 90 other countries (including the US) in reducing methane emissions.

Accounting tricks won’t reduce emissions:

2021 research from respected energy analyst, ANU Honorary Associate Professor, Dr Hugh Saddler finds that “Australia’s energy emissions continue to rise, while productivity and decarbonisation rankings fall.”

Any reduction in emissions from electricity generation is likely to be mostly from State, not Federal, action.

Family_home_destroyed Wikimedia

2050 is too late

To avoid catastrophic climate damage, science based climate action targets are around 75% reductions by 2030, with net zero at around 2035. Australia is very vulnerable to climate damage, with impacts from fire, flood, heat and drought accelerating right now. 2050 is too late, and the concept of Net Zero is dangerous. Inaction will lead to escalating costs.

We have the resource and tech to act, all we are lacking is political will.

solar and wind

We are being left behind

Other countries and major corporates are transforming their energy systems and manufacturing, rapidly moving to clean affordable renewables, lowering prices and increasing resilience. We could be taking advantage of our incredible potential for cheap clean power, and embrace the industries of the future, instead of clinging onto coal and trying to expand gas. Our major markets will no longer want our fossil exports in the medium term – Australia risks being left behind.

Is it too much to ask for the truth from our MPs?

We already have affordable clean technology

We just need the political will to use it


You can make this happen!


Vote for REAL climate action on election day – it’s that simple.

When it comes to climate, your vote matters!

Make sure it is based on the facts. Find out more – click on our interactive pdf.

Climate Spin - your vote matters, make sure it is based on the facts


Fact checking the government’s Emissions Reduction Plan

After a considerable delay, the government released the modelling behind the Net Zero by 2050 plan they took to Glasgow. This modelling is based on a series of reports from overseas consulting giant McKinsey, centering around the “Technology Investment Roadmap” which seems to be mostly consist of “prohibitively expensive” CCS and a continuation of the LNP’s controversial land carbon program.

The emissions reduction roadmap was widely panned:

McKinsey modelling


Want to be involved in local climate action?

You can:

Further Information


Lighter Footprints

Climate Council

The Australia Institute
TAI is a high impact thinktank, with an engaging seminars/webinars, research and reports.

Climate and Health Alliance
CAHA is a coalition of health care stakeholders working on climate. CAHA publishes many useful resources including on health impacts of climate change, climate action health co-benefits, a memorable look at different post-pandemic futures set in 2030.



Vote for real climate action for our kids

Local Vote Climate campaigns

Accurate information on Candidates’ climate policies to inform your vote.

Lighter Footprints is working with other local climate groups in running the non-partisan Vote Climate campaigns in Melbourne’s inner East:

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