Resource Topic: Clean Energy Transition

Submission on Victorian Targets and decarbonisation pathways June 2020


Reducing Victoria’s Emissions Detailed suggestions in three sectors – electricity, land use and transport. “Victoria has just experienced over the 2019-20 summer what a 1-degree Celsius hotter climate can mean. The costs of not taking action on climate change has proven to be extremely high and certainly higher than that modeled by the consultants assisting […]

Bioenergy Roadmap 10 June 2020


A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency made 10 June 2020 regarding the role the bioenergy sector can play in accelerating Australia’s energy transition. We support the intention behind these consultations in that we recognise the need to investigate all possibilities that can contribute to Australia reducing its carbon emissions to […]

eNews – Ten to One Benefits for the Clean Economy


Forum fever hits, and we begin the Clean Economy Countdown with number 6 Looking forward to seeing you this Thursday, Oct 31. Our forum speakers are presenting a powerful, positive vision of a Clean Economy future, that avoids the massive costs if we don’t transition, and offers a safer, more prosperous future. Clear benefits include […]

Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities


An opportunity to contribute to the inquiry that the Environment and Planning Committee is undertaking into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities. Our Position The debate around climate change has become complex, multi-faceted and highly politicised. This has resulted in almost total policy failure especially at the federal level of government. Recent experience has shown […]

The National Energy Guarantee – Draft Design Consultation Paper


Submission on the Draft Design Consultation Paper: The National Energy Guarantee that the Energy Security Board released on 15 February 2018. The Consultation Paper is designed to gather feedback that will used in preparing a draft, high level design paper for distribution to all energy ministers in mid April.

Interim Emissions Reduction Targets for Victoria – Questions


Victorian government’s consultation on emissions targets – Questions: The Independent Expert Panel’s recommended targets. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Victoria. Benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Victoria. Barriers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Victoria. Impacts of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Victoria. Other Comments.

Interim Emissions Reduction Targets for Victoria (2021 – 2030)


Interim Emissions Reduction Targets for Victoria (2021 – 2030). Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the Independent Expert Panel that was established by the Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio to provide advice on the first two sets of interim targets for 2021-25 and 2026-30.

Retirement of Coal Fired Power Stations


Submission to the inquiry by the Environment and Communications References Committee into the retirement of coal fired power stations. This report outlines the case for closure of Australia’s Eastern States coal fired power stations and presents a view of what a coordinated and comprehensive policy framework would be. The various available technologies that can be […]