Boroondara climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecards

Local government is key for effective climate action

Read our Candidate Scorecards below! 

Why vote for local climate action?

Green spaces, lower energy bills, walkable neighbourhoods, EV charging

Electing a climate-friendly Council will help progress on:

  • Enhancing green spaces, tree cover and biodiversity
  • Targeted support for solar PV and electrification to lower energy bills
  • Supporting cycling, walkable neighbourhoods and EV charging
  • Reducing climate impacts and protecting our health

Bellevue Ward

Bellevue Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Michael Nolan’s questionnaire response here, and the scoring methodology here.

The other candidates, Serena Huang, David Dawson, Gregory Ball and Samuel Allan, did not respond to the questionnaire.

Watch Bellevue candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Bellevue Ward is represented by Councillor Jim Parke. Cr Parke has not renominated as a candidate.

Cotham Ward

Cotham Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Liz Kellys questionnaire response here, and the scoring methodology here.

Watch Cotham candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Cotham Ward is represented by Councillor Felicity Sinfield, Deputy Mayor. Her voting record on climate-related motions was rated FAIR (methodology here). She did not respond to the questionnaire.

Cr Sinfield voted for three of the four key climate-related motions and opposed one. Cr Sinfield voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021), the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023), and the motion to support the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023). However, Cr Sinfield voted against the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021).

Gardiner Ward

Gardiner Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find David Chu’s questionnaire response here,  Cr Victor Franco’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidate Michael Burge did not return a response.

Watch Gardiner candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Gardiner Ward is represented by Councillor Victor Franco, His voting record on climate-related motions was rated GOOD (methodology here).

Cr Franco voted for three of the four key climate-related motions and was an apology for one. Cr Franco voted for the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021), the draft Climate Action plan (28/06/2021), and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). Cr Franco was an apology for the meeting to resource the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023), however he is a supporter of Electrify Boroondara and serves as one of the Councillor representatives on the Electrify Boroondara Alliance Advisory Group.

Glenferrie Ward

Glenferrie Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Cr Wes Gault’s questionnaire response here, Sam Aldemir’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidate Rochelle Pattison did not return a response.

Watch Glenferrie candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Glenferrie Ward is represented by Councillor Wes Gault. His voting record on climate-related motions was rated GOOD (methodology here).

Cr Gault voted in favour of all four key climate-related motions. Cr Gault voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021), the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021), the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023), and the motion to support the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023). Cr Gault was often the mover of these motions and in Council meetings consistently argued in favour of action to reduce carbon emissions by the Council and the wider community.

Junction Ward

Junction Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Cr Di Gillies’ questionnaire response here, Mal Osbourne-Smith’s response here, and the scoring methodology here.

Watch Junction candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Junction Ward is represented by Councillor Di Gillies. Her voting record on climate-related motions was rated GOOD (methodology here).

Cr Gillies supported all four key climate-related motions. Cr Gillies voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021), the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021), the motion to resource the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023), and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). Cr Gillies seconded the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021).

Lynden Ward

Lynden Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Colton Senior’s questionnaire response here, Cr Lisa Hollingworth’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidate Michael Lamb did not return a response.

Watch Lynden candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Lynden Ward is represented by Councillor Lisa Hollingsworth, Mayor. Her voting record on climate-related motions was rated GOOD (methodology here).

Cr Hollingsworth supported all four key climate-related motions. Cr Hollingsworth voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021), the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021), the motion to support the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023), and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). In Council meetings, Cr Hollingsworth has consistently argued in favour of action to reduce carbon emissions by the council and the wider community.

Maling Ward

Maling Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Anthony Nicholls‘ questionnaire response here, Shima Ibuki’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidates Cr Jane Addis and Sam Wan did not return responses.

Watch Maling candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Maling Ward is represented by Councillor Jane Addis. Her voting record on climate-related motions was rated FAIR (methodology here).

Cr Addis voted for three of the four key climate-related motions and opposed one. Cr Addis voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021) and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). Cr Addis moved and voted for the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021). However, Cr Addis voted against the motion to support the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023).

Maranoa Ward

Maranoa Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Peter Campbell’s questionnaire response here, Chris Pattas’ response here, Jackie Carter’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidate Cr Cynthia Watson did not return a response.

Watch Maranoa candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Maranoa Ward is represented by Councillor Cynthia Watson. Her voting record on climate-related motions was rated POOR (methodology here).

Cr Watson voted for two of the four key climate-related motions and opposed the other two. Cr Watson voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021) and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). However, Cr Watson voted against both the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021) and the motion to support the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023).

Riversdale Ward

Riversdale Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Rob Baillieu’s questionnaire response here and the scoring methodology here. The other candidates Priscilla Duncan and Wayne Kelly did not return a response.

Watch Riversdale candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Riversdale Ward is represented by Councillor Susan Bigger. Cr Biggar has not renominated as a candidate.

Solway Ward

Solway Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard

You can find Atul Kalra’s questionnaire response here, Kate Bellamy’s response here, John Friend-Pereira’s response here, Adrian Morgan’s response here, and the scoring methodology here. The other candidate Zachary Townend did not return a response.

Watch Solway candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Solway Ward is represented by Councillor Garry Thompson. Cr Thompson has not renominated as a candidate.

Studley Ward

Studley Ward Climate and Transparency Candidate Scorecard for Boroondara

You can find Sophie Torney’s questionnaire response here and the scoring methodology here. The other candidates Cr Nick Stavrou, Amanda Towe and Kym Sullivan did not return responses.

Watch Studley candidates respond to residents questions in the Forum ward breakout recording here.

Studley Ward is represented by Councillor Nick Stavrou. His voting record on climate-related motions was rated FAIR (methodology here).

Cr Stavrou voted for three of the four key climate-related motions and abstained from one. Cr Stavrou voted in favour of the draft Climate Action Plan (28/06/2021), the motion to resource the Electrify Boroondara Alliance (20/03/2023) and the Climate Action Implementation Plan (13/11/2023). However, Cr Stavrou voted against the Declaration of a Climate Emergency (27/09/2021).

Stronger local climate action benefits the whole community!

Park in Kew

Green spaces, tree cover & biodiversity

Enhancing our urban forest protects our biodiversity and reduces heat impacts, improving health outcomes. 

Our leafy streets and parks contribute to our sense of wellbeing and are an important part of Boroondara’s urban character.

A fully electric household with solar saves over two thousand dollars a year on energy bills

Supporting solar and electrification

Local governments can effectively support solar PV uptake and assist residents with the transition to efficient electric heating, cooling, hot water and induction cooking.

Going electric saves on energy bills and is better for our health!

Supporting cycling redyces emissions and increases health

Active transport and walkable neighbourhoods

Improving transport options for local residents drops emissions, reduces congestion and improves health. Climate-friendly Councils can boost EV charging and support cycling infrastructure, cycling safety and public transport accessibility.

Boroondara Candidate Forum – responding to community questions

Candidate Forum videos are here!

What did your candidates say about issues that matter to you?

Constituents asked questions about solar, green spaces, community facilities, Vic Roads and Camberwell Junction plans, what is happening with the Kew Rec Centre and transport issues.

You can check out your ward breakout room video from the our YouTube playlist here.

Boroondara Candidate Forum Video Link

Which ward do you live in?

Ward boundaries have changed.

You can check out more information on the VECs scalable map.

Boroondara Wards VEC map showing boundary changes

Click on the VEC ward boundaries image above to enlarge for more detail.

More information on City of Boroondara Candidates’ climate policies and voting patterns

Information is critical to an informed choice.

Boroondara has 11 single member wards, and the election will be held with a full preferential system, numbering every box (VEC information here). More information is available on Council website.

SCORECARDS: Candidates have been scored on their response to a climate policy questionnaire and voting record – you can see an example of the questionnaire here and  details of the scoring methodology here.

VOTING: How current Councillors who have renominated voted on four key climate motions has been recorded – details of the four key climate motions below.

Details of key climate-related motions

We reviewed all motions considered by the Council at full Council meetings, Services Delegated Committee meetings or Urban Planning Delegated meetings from 2021 to 2024. We identified four key climate-related motions:

  • Climate Action Plan – 28/6/21
    That Council:
    1. endorse the draft Climate Action Plan as at attachment 1 for community consultation;
    2. receive a report detailing submissions and any proposed amendments to the draft Climate Action Plan and a supporting implementation plan will be presented at a meeting of Council to be held Monday 27 September 2021;
    3. appoint Councillor Gault as Boroondara’s representative on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action executive committee.
  • Declaration of Climate Emergency – 27/9/21
    That Council:
    1. Acknowledge the community’s strong support for Council to act on climate change and to now declare a Climate Emergency;
    2. Note that all actions that flow from this declaration are included in the Climate Action Plan and the Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan 2021-2023 and any subsequent versions of these Plans adopted by Council;
    3. Note funding for any actions arising as a consequence of the Climate Emergency declaration will be limited to and align with Council decisions taken in respect of budget allocations to implement an adopted Climate Action Plan and Climate Action Implementation Plan.
  • Support for Electrify Boroondara Alliance – 20/3/23
    That the Services Delegated Committee:
    1. Nominate Councillor Hollingsworth, Councillor Gault and Councillor Biggar and officers as required, to attend meetings of Electrify Boroondara Alliance and report to Council on actions of the group;
    2. Support Electrify Boroondara Alliance through the provision of existing and proposed Council developed promotional material;
    3. Consider any specific requests from Electrify Boroondara Alliance for resourcing support through the development of the next Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan;
    4. Review involvement with Electrify Boroondara Alliance in time to consider future appointments to the group through the annual Councillor Appointments process.
  • Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan 13/11/23
    That the Services Delegated Committee resolve to adopt the Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan 2023-24 – 2024-25. (13/11/23)

Further information

Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC)

City of Boroondara

Lighter Footprints

Going electric and energy efficiency

Solar PV

Tree Canopy


We appreciate the efforts of Lighter Footprints and KCCA volunteers who are preparing candidate questionnaires and developing ward-based candidate climate scorecards to help inform your vote.

All candidates will be offered the opportunity to inform the electorate of their climate polices.

All candidates are invited to the Boroondara Candidates Forum, online on Zoom on October 8th 7.30pm – 9pm, to speak to the community and answer questions.

Kooyong Climate Change Alliance (KCCA)

Along with partner local climate groups, Lighter Footprints is a member of KCCA.
Lighter Footprints and KCCA are running the non-partisan Vote Climate campaign in Boroondara.

This page is authorised by L. Frankes, PO Box 487, Kew East, Vic