Resource Topic: Gas

Gas System Code of Practice


Dec 23 – Response to the ESC’s draft Gas System Code of Practice Key messages Support for making new gas customers pay for the full cost of connection. Provision of information and reporting requirements to better inform the transition. Allowing customers to leave the network if they do not want hydrogen in their homes. The […]

Future Gas Strategy


Nov 23 – Submission in response to the Future Gas Strategy consultation paper Key messages Our federal, state and territory work together and develop some policies that will lead to emissions reductions that will support the achievement of climate targets including a plan for Australia to transition off gas. Australia stops approving any new coal or gas […]

The role of renewable gas


Oct 23 – Feedback to Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on the role of renewable gas Key messages Produce a transition plan that will result in a speedy reduction in demand for fossil gas and communicate this plan widely. Focus on residential and commercial customers giving time to deal with industry. Develop a range […]

Review of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice


May 23 – Submission to the Essential Services Commission – Review of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice Key messages Reduce barriers to transitioning to electricity, require new customers to pay for their eventual disconnection, Review Unaccounted for Gas.

Making the switch to clean, efficient electric homes interactive pdf


Planning your switch from gas to electricity An electric heat pump hot water system will deliver hot water cleanly and efficiently Reverse-cycle air conditioners provide efficient heating & cooling Induction cooking is fast, responsive, efficient and healthy Closing your gas account will save hundreds of dollars per year in service charges. All electric homes with […]

Presentation to Pakenham Gas Inquiry against the Crib Point terminal


Lighter Footprints submits that a Crib Point gas terminal would be a mistake, and the facilities at Point Kembla are sufficient Westernport is unspoilt, environmentally valuable and valued for its recreational uses The gas terminal at Crib Point would cause considerable environmental damage The local community is strongly opposed The proposed gas shortfall could be […]

Inquiry by the Senate Select Committee on Covid-19


A submission by Lighter Footprints to the Senate Select Committee on Covid-19 on the 28th May 2020.

Lighter Footprints submission to the Inquiry by the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19