Resource Topic: Climate Policy

The role of renewable gas


Oct 23 – Feedback to Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on the role of renewable gas Key messages Produce a transition plan that will result in a speedy reduction in demand for fossil gas and communicate this plan widely. Focus on residential and commercial customers giving time to deal with industry. Develop a range […]

Zero Emission Bus Transition


Sep 23 – Submission to the Victorian Government Department on Transport and planning on Zero Emission Bus Transition Key messages Strongly advocating battery electric buses

Fuel Efficiency Standards


May 23 – Submission to the Federal Department of Infrastructure, transport and vehicle Key messages FES needs to be applied to all new vehicles, with light vehicles (GVM of 3.5t and lower – MA, NA, MC) ASAP and trucks, buses, and heavier vehicles to follow, FES should be the mechanism of the initial transition, ahead of bringing […]

Review of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice


May 23 – Submission to the Essential Services Commission – Review of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice Key messages Reduce barriers to transitioning to electricity, require new customers to pay for their eventual disconnection, Review Unaccounted for Gas.

Safeguard mechanism


Feb 23 – Submission on Safeguard mechanism Key messages Submission on the basis that, firstly our total opposition to new gas and coal be noted, secondly, that the Safeguard Mechanism (SM) legislation be written in such a way that new gas and coal cannot impact the existing non-gas, non-coal entities. And thirdly, that the gas and coal […]

Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy (LF Submission 28/06/22)


Submission to Vic Govt for “Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy Directions Paper”: LINK:>>  LF submission – offshore wind policy 28th Jun 2022 The Victorian Government has recently committed to a 2032 offshore wind target for Victoria of at least 2GW, aiming for first power by 2028. It has also set targets to reach 4GW of offshore […]