Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy (LF Submission 28/06/22)

Organisation: Lighter Footprints - Energy Transition Group

Author: Richard Hedding with contributions from David Coote, John Gare and the Lighter Footprints Energy Transition Group.

Release Date: 28/06/2022

Submission to Vic Govt for “Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy Directions Paper”:

LINK:>>  LF submission – offshore wind policy 28th Jun 2022

The Victorian Government has recently committed to a 2032 offshore wind target for Victoria of at least 2GW, aiming for first power by 2028.

It has also set targets to reach 4GW of offshore wind capacity by 2035 and 9GW by 2040.
Engage Victoria has opened a consultation “Victoria’s Offshore Wind Policy Directions Paper” to gather views on proposed policy with the aim to establish the offshore wind sector in a way that creates a large new source of renewable energy and builds jobs and businesses in Victoria.