eNews – Last chance to support the Parliamentary Climate Emergency petition. Plus forum updates.

Organisation: Lighter Footprints

Author: Carolyn Ingvarson

Release Date: 15/10/2019

Website: https://lighterfootprints.org/wp-content/uploads/Last-chance-to-support-the-Parliamentary-Climate-Petition-new-blog-on-beautiful-transport-innovations-151019.pdf

Be part of history – climate emergency is set to be debated in Parliament!  20 hours left – can we get the Parliamentary Climate Emergency petition to 400,000?

Peter Newman designs a vision for our clean energy future. What if there was a form of transport almost as flexible as buses, with the smooth ride of rail, and even cheaper than light rail? And it cost massively less, so much so, that with value capture and private-public partnership it would almost pay for itself? A dream? No, you are looking at ART, already arriving in China.

Don’t forget to book your Forum tickets! Living the Clean Economy. The case for a faster transition with Peter Newman AO, Tom Kompas and  Anthea Harris.