Vote Climate Neighbours Hawthorn East Sarah Brennan

Vote Climate Neighbours – Hawthorn East

Why I’m voting climate – Sarah Brennan

I am voting for climate action because while we have the solutions, we lack proper leadership. Individually, we can only do so much – we need climate driven governance.

What are your main concerns?

Holding big polluters to account for what they have done is a key part of climate action. . 

While you can install all the renewable energy you want, you can’t keep subsidising the fossil fuel industry which must be phased out. This is a critical reason for accelerating the climate vote – getting the necessary political will for decarbonising our energy systems and our economy.

I grew up next to a state forest in northern Victoria and grew up alongside these beautiful ecosystems. But the state government allowing the logging of them is utterly deplorable. There is no reason to cut them down if quotas can be fulfilled by sustainable plantations. 




Sarah Brennan Vote Climate Neighbours Hawthorn East
Energy transition group with David Strang

Tell us some more about why you are voting for the climate?

As a young person, the climate crisis will really affect my future. I came from a position of despair when I was 18, realising that I had to learn to act, to become the ‘adults in the room’.

It’s hard to do many things on your own, but in a group you can accomplish so many things you thought you could never do by yourself.

We need to put pressure on the political establishment to cease native forest logging immediately.

Voting climate will ensure our children and grandchildren have a more secure future.





What can we do to help?

Even though the future looks very difficult, I have been encouraged working with others, including letter writing, MP visits and in climate communications. As a community we can act, and create the leadership that is necessary to lower emissions.

I also have been able to dispense with a car, and enjoy cycling and use public transport as part of lowering my own emissions. 

“Connecting with others is vital to effective climate action.”

Sarah Brennan is a graphic artist. You can read more about her climate journey in community pages profile here.