Agriculture, Regeneration & Climate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Guide Hall at 1 Faversham Rd, Canterbury

Our modern industrial agricultural monocultures are a vast climate problem but agriculture should be a source of climate innovation, reducing emissions and restoring our soils.

Conventional agriculture has led to loss of soil carbon, declining soil productivity and desertification, and in the face of heat, droughts and floods, this has become worse.

Farmers changing to regenerative practices have amazing outcomes in building soil and plant health and drawing down carbon.

Our speakers will outline the issues and show how they have been involved with what can regenerate the land and reduce our emissions. Bev Middleton will set the context and introduce regenerative agriculture pioneer Thomas Nicholas.

Come at 7.00pm to the Guide Hall at 1 Faversham Rd, Canterbury for a warm welcome, a glass of wine and some nibbles. The event starts at 7.30pm.

Contact Person: Carolyn Ingvarson,, 0411 115 186