eNews – Hydrogen: The Coming Wave on August 28th and Clean Energy Economy Forum with Tom Kompas on October 31st.
Organisation: Lighter Footprints
Author: Carolyn Ingvarson
Release Date: 24/08/2019
Come and hear clean energy finance expert Oliver Yates; Attilio Pigneri, co-founder and CEO of Hydrogen Infrastructure outfit H2U; and Andrew Reddaway, Renew’s creator of the Sunulator program on hydrogen – massive export potential, liquid fuel self sufficiency, and a pathway to fully decarbonize difficult sectors such as transport and industry.
Hawthorn Arts Centre, October 31st We are very pleased to announce that Prof Tom Kompas, renowned Environmental Economy expert, will be speaking at our October Forum. He is the lead author of a recent groundbreaking high-level business case for Victoria and Queensland comparing the costs and benefits of climate action versus inaction.