Kew Rec Centre Say NO to fossil gas Go Electric campaign

Show your support for Kew Recreation Centre going 100% electric

Despite community objections, Boroondara Council is proceeding with its plans to power the Kew Recreation Centre with fossil gas rather than using electric heat pumps powered by clean renewable power.

Efficient electric heat pumps are

  • Cheaper to run saving ratepayers’ money
  • Better for the environment as Council buys 100% renewable electricity
  • Future proofing against rising gas prices
  • The technology of today


Join us in campaigning for a gas free Kew Rec Centre!

If the Boroondara Sports Complex and Ashburton Pool are going electric why not Kew Rec Centre?

Boroondara Council is applying for federal grants to transition the Boroondara Sports Complex and the Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre off gas.

Council has declined to provide us with information (that they have confirmed that they have) on running costs comparing electricity and gas. They have also declined to release the information they relied on to choose gas over electricity when the plans were developed. This information is now the subject of a Freedom of Information request made by Dr Monique Ryan’s office. Council has also confirmed that they have not obtained a quote for the cost of changing their current plans to all electric.

Council’s lack of transparency on this issue is concerning. What have they got to hide? After all, it is our money they are using.

Kew Rec Centre construction is stalled after the collapse.

It’s a perfect opportunity for a fresh start!

Sign the petition here.


Sign the petition:

Say NO to polluting gas!

Council pools are significant energy users. 

All over Australia, aquatic centres are going 100% electric powered by renewables.

Save money with clean, efficient all-electric heating and cooling.

Kew Rec Centre could be 100% electric sign the petition here
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre

Case Study: Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre


Brimbank Council’s new facility uses about 76% less energy compared to conventional gas-powered aquatic centres. 


Brimbank Council estimates that it has saved $353,000 in the first 10 months of operation and that over $2,122,000 will be saved over five years if current gas price trends continue.

That’s money back in the pockets of Brimbank Council to fund services for their community!