Jul 6, 2014 | Climate Damage, Climate Policy, Solutions, Taking Action
On June 19, the ACF organised a delegation of community representatives from each of the states to visit Canberra with the petition to hold onto the climate laws which had been signed by 235,000 people. We met with several politicians and left information related to...
Apr 13, 2014 | Climate Damage, Solutions
Members of the public are warmly invited to join us at our next monthly meeting to find out what more each of us can do to contribute to a clean healthy future and to better manage climate change risk. Distinguished electrical engineer and renewable energy enthusiast...
Feb 7, 2014 | Climate Damage
Read this from a very conservative and respected body, and jump on anyone who thinks there has been a standstill. “What standstill” they say? “The coldest year since 2001 is warmer than any year before 1998!” This is a frightening on-going...
Jun 28, 2012 | Climate Damage, Climate Emergency
The untold story: health benefits of the carbon price By Fiona Armstrong (An edited version ran in the Canberra Times and Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday 26th Jun 12, as “Carbon Price’s Health Bonanza”) The birth of Australia’s carbon price legislation is...
Sep 14, 2011 | Climate Damage
The Oxfam Photographic Exhibition of the Pacific Islands was launched at Q.P.O. in Kew, Victoria Australia on September 14. Named ‘Land is Life,’ the exhibition contains photos taken by Rodney Dekker of Tuvalu and Kirabati. It was MC’ed by Carolyn...
Dec 4, 2009 | Climate Damage, Climate Emergency
The Center for Biological Diversity and 350.org filed an historic Clean Air Act petition with the EPA today asking the agency to scientifically determine the safe atmospheric CO2 level, just as its does with six other pollutants judged to endanger to human health and...
Aug 20, 2009 | Climate Damage, Opinion, Taking Action
How psychology can help the planet stay cool A perennial problem faced by people trying to promote environmental issues is how not to bamboozle people with environmental scare stories, thus bringing about a state of apathy because it’s too late to do anything!...
Jul 27, 2009 | Climate Damage, Solutions, Taking Action
Slamming the climate skeptic scame Post from Jim Hoggan’s blog explaining climate change scepticism in the context of public relations. The PR practitioner’s task is to move the public perception in the desired direction, i.e. one that is more favourable...
May 28, 2009 | Climate Damage, Climate Policy, Solutions, Taking Action
How much extra will putting a price on carbon add to the household power bill? The result of course depends on what price is set for carbon by the Federal Government. Currently this is $10 per tonne, although a recent report suggests the price is not expected to...
Apr 24, 2009 | Climate Damage, Taking Action
An urgent message from Jill Redwood of Environment East Gippsland . . . These were taken yesterday – VicForests mission accomplished. This ancient stand of 600(plus) year old forest has now been fully annihilated and ready for conversion to a palm-oil...
Mar 23, 2009 | Climate Damage, Climate Emergency
How many tonnes of GHG emisisons do Victoria’s coal-fired power stations release each week? The answer? “The average weekly emissions from coal-fired power stations [in Victoria] was 1.236 MILLION tonnes.” With a population of 5.34 million (at the...
Feb 27, 2009 | Boroondara Council, Climate Damage, Climate Emergency, Solutions, Taking Action
New Boroondara mayor says no to hybrid Boroondara councillor Coral Ross handed over the mayoral chain of office to councillor Jack Wegman in Dec 2008. Cr Ross had, during her term as mayor, and in line with the council’s public line on sustainability, adopted...