Aug 31, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Clean Energy, Climate Policy, Solutions, Taking Action
Overview Last Wednesday we welcomed a terrific panel to discuss climate solutions at a local government level. What are some best-practice programs and actions being implemented right now in Australia, and what are some of Boroondara City’s neighbors doing? This is...
Aug 27, 2020 | Biodiversity, Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Environmental protection, Gas, Submission, Taking Action
Example of an LNG tanker ship next to a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). Both are approximately 300 metres long Lighter Footprints joined Environment Victoria, Save Westernport Bay and other organisations to protest against the proposed AGL Gas Import...
Jun 1, 2020 | Clean Energy, Climate Policy, Speaker Slides & Presentations
ClimateWorks Last Wednesday we were joined by ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek. Her organisation has spent two years carefully plotting out updated paths to economy-wide decarbonisation in Australia, and Lighter Footprints members were lucky enough to get a breakdown of...
May 22, 2020 | Clean Energy, Climate Policy, Solutions
BUILDING THE RECOVERY ( ‘A new and better normal’) An hour with Simon Holmes à Court 13th May 2020 Simon’s special insights into Energy and Climate returned to Lighter Footprints with a review of the opportunities for a renewables based recovery from the pandemic. He...
Apr 5, 2020 | Boroondara Council, Clean Energy, Climate Emergency, Climate Policy, Lighter Footprints Working Groups, Solutions, Taking Action
It’s time to have our say. Local climate action is powerful! Would you like a more walkable city? Better public transport? Support for putting on solar and storage? Cleaner local power? It’s time to put our support behind the clean energy transition and...
Mar 3, 2020 | Clean Energy, Solutions, Taking Action
Last Wednesday 26 Feb Simon Holmes á Court offered us a terrific preview of the year ahead in climate solutions and collective action with over 100 captive audience members. So what did we learn? Where’s the climate heading? The latest projections indicate we’re...
Nov 7, 2019 | Clean Energy, Climate Damage, Speaker Slides & Presentations, Taking Action
Thanks so much for your support and attendance at our forum: “Living In The Clean Economy” SLIDESETS Here is a link to the presenter’s slides as a downloadable pptx’s, and also the Conference slides. This is easy to use. SLIDE JPGS Here are...
Oct 27, 2019 | Clean Energy, Opinion
What is a major cause of recent wars? What do we have only 28 days supply of? What would reduce regional tensions, increase Australian resilience and increase the average life expectancy of our military age kids? I am betting that the answer isn’t to be found in...
Oct 20, 2019 | Clean Energy, Climate Policy
“One of the country’s most experienced climate policy practitioners”. This how Frank Jotzo described Anthea Harris when lamenting the Abbott government’s spree of public servant sackings over carbon predicting her probable demise as the CEO of the...
Oct 16, 2019 | Clean Energy, Climate Damage
How can Australia prevent a $584.5 billion dollar loss by 2030? Or a projected cumulation of more than $5 trillion in losses by 2100? Or save $14,000 a household every year over the long term? Professor Tom Kompas works on these problems, and more, to show that the...
Oct 15, 2019 | Clean Energy, Lighter Footprints Forum, Solutions
Transport system visionary, Peter Newman AO, started his journey towards creating a sustainable way of living in cities, when he was a young post-grad. After the sprawling city of Perth, he was so affected by the close living of the people of Delft in Holland where he...
Jun 30, 2018 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Energy independence? Cheaper power bills? Less pollution? What can home batteries do for you? There’s been a lot of buzz about batteries for home energy storage. Some pundits are talking about disconnecting from the grid. This talk takes a look at home battery...
May 2, 2018 | Clean Energy
Speakers will share expert knowledge and objective comment on the current policies of the Labor, Liberal and Green Parties and demonstrate effective pathways to achieve affordable energy and a safe climate. The panel Tristan Edis: Outline of the challenges...
Apr 30, 2018 | Clean Energy
Wednesday May 30 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Mark Wakeham – CEO Environment Victoria Mark is CEO of Environment Victoria, one of Australia’s leading environment charities, and Board co-chair of the Sunrise Project. He’s...
Mar 1, 2018 | Clean Energy, Solutions, Speaker Slides & Presentations
Come and hear our speaker to start a big year. Simon Holmes à Court “Reasons to be Cheerful” Many of us are frustrated by the toxic political and media environment surrounding renewable energy and climate change. While this frustration is justified, there...
Oct 13, 2017 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Wednesday October 25 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury You can read BZE’s new report here: Rethinking Cement: Research Report: A pathway to zero carbon cement The cement industry contributes 21% of all Australian emissions. There has...
Aug 8, 2017 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Wed August 30 AGM for Lighter Footprints 7pm for 7.30 start Guide Hall Faversham Rd Canterbury Followed by Panel discussion: Australia’s Road to Damascus moment in energy and climate change – What we can learn from the Chief Scientist’s report and what Finkel left...
Apr 27, 2017 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Wednesday April 26 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Alan Pears (RMIT University) “Unravelling today’s energy policy debate and finding paths to a clean, affordable and reliable energy future.” Click here for Alan...
Feb 23, 2017 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Wednesday February 22 7 pm for 7.30 pm Guide Hall – Faversham Rd Canterbury Adam Majcher (ClimateWorks) Progressing Australia’s net – zero emissions agenda What are the main opportunities for 2017 and what does the transition to 2050 require? Adam...
Sep 1, 2016 | Clean Energy
“How do we understand the Australian energy market, and the role of renewables?” Our speakers, Bruce Mountain and Dan Cass will discuss what is happening in Australia currently, both at the household level and across the country, and the opportunities this...
Jul 11, 2012 | Clean Energy, Solutions, Taking Action
Wednesday 25 July 7pm for 7:30 Canterbury Guide Hall – Faversham Rd At the July Lighter Footprints monthly meeting we are delighted to have Hannah Aulby who will talk to us about the very exciting Australia wide campaign to Repower Port Augusta! Repower Port...
Jun 8, 2011 | Clean Energy, Solutions, Speaker Slides & Presentations
Lighter Footprints Forum August 2011 Can we live well without coal? Can renewable energy provide continuous, reliable power? Can we escape our dependence on carbon polluting fossil fuels? Is it nuclear or nothing? Watch the three speakers on these issues at the...
Apr 28, 2011 | Boroondara Council, Clean Energy, Lighter Footprints Forum, Solutions, Speaker Slides & Presentations
Lighter Footprints Forum Sustainable suburbia – what do we need to do? Time: Thursday 28 April 2011 Venue: Holy Trinity Church Hall, corner Union Road and Montrose Street, Surrey Hills Purpose The forum discussed how we can create sustainable suburbs and take...
Jun 1, 2010 | Clean Energy, Solutions
Excerpt from this Care2 blog post: “In a converted corn ethanol plant 25 minutes from Cedar Rapids, four-story tanks of renewable fuel are quietly bubbling away ready for conversion into fuel-grade ethanol. What makes this batch of fuel special is its main...